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Kako početi? - How to start?! No 1

U današnjem svetu Balkanskih muškaraca i dominantnijih žena kako početi pisanje,pogotovo ako uzmemo u obzir a da želiš ne da nešto doprineseš,nego da ti je možda i glavni cilj da zaradiš. Ako želim da zaradim onda se gubi motivacija samog izražavanja osobe koja piše, u ovom slučaju "mene". Sa druge strane ako pišem da bi se izrazio onda jednostavno mogu sebe izraziti i kod psihologa.
Izmedju ostalog kako napisati nešto toliko dubokoumno da čitalac koji pročita bude zadovoljan time što si ti napisao i da ti da svoj glas zadovoljstva.
Takodje kako vidim da su u današnjem vremenu žene mnogo bolji pisci(koliko sam do sada uspeo da pročitam napisane postove), motivacija se može barem kod nas na Balkanu naći i u tome da se pobede žene na bojnom polju pisanja :)

In today's world of Balkan men and more dominant women, how do you start writing, especially if we take into account that you don't want only to contribute something, but that maybe your main goal is to make money. If I want to earn money, the motivation of the very expression of the person who writes, in this case "me", is lost. On the other hand, if I write to express myself, then I can simply express myself to a psychologist.
Among other things, how to write something so deep that the reader who reads it is satisfied with what you have written and gives you his vote of satisfaction.
Also, as I see that nowadays women are much better writers (as far as I have been able to read the written posts), the motivation can be found, at least here in the Balkans, in the fact that they must be defeated on battlefield od writhing




Motivacija pronadjena "POBEDITI ŽENE" - Naravno u pozitivnom smislu
P.S: Pozdrav za HIVE zajednicu i sve žene ....

Motivation found "WINNING AGAINST WOMEN" - Of course in a positive sense
P.S.: regards to all HIVE community and all woman :)

Pozdrav od Miloša

Greetings from Milos