Some simple creativity ... Be like water ...

I think this concept of being like water would suit to every soul on this planet, as long as everyone would understand it ...

Today, i was simply enjoying a glass of water, while my children came with some lego minifigures ... and guess what?

Suddenly the Matrix started to form :)
We took some awesome simple #photos with our lego buddies :)

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Now, some of you will be shocked the way it looks :))) It was just the first glimpse to understand the process ... we haven't put our lego buddies inside the water :))

The process was different and we used the glass of water as a magic magnifying glass :)

The results were like this:

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Filius the Elf was happy to see him diving in an illusory ocean :)

Also the CryptoBee was amazed the way the magic bubbles were creating around her, without being inside the water ...

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I think that under the concept of Mof-Mof which applies not only under the concept of cooking and means Maximum of Flavor, Minimum of Fast ... can suit to the #art of #photography ...

Even the sheikh from a land within the Matrix of an ancient Persia, was very happy to see this magic happening ... He have thought that this is quite a pretty good magic moment #created through the art of photography ... with simple techniques :)

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When Mrs.Sprout joined the team, everyone was happy ...
The entire spectrum looked like Filius was surrounded by some ghosts :)

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This entire process of creating these photos was an awesome one.

Maybe, any of the creativity process that encounters you inner call is a process of growing, especially when it's created along with your children.

What a cool #creative day ... Maybe these are the last glimpses we still have as artists :)

Never to forget about the Time spent along with the precious ones and there's always a blessed creativity ...

Meanwhile, enjoy as well some of my music :)

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