Creativity within our Matrix ...

In times, when we shall be strong, like my buddies here ... maybe a stroll within your Secret Garden of Eiwa will offer you the answers you've been looking for ...

We just need to be aware and look within our Matrix and the secret answers will reveal to us ...

Just be the Observer :)

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Sometimes, even when we walk inside an urban jungle or a desperate world on the brink of dissolving its old habits, which does not understand the Neo Renaissance Era through which we are stepping in in a fast tempo of 322 bpm ... maybe a message from within our Matrix will always be halpful and welcomed :)


Meanwhile, some would feel like a crazy ant, working everyday like a slave for some bread crumbs ...

I am still returning with my phrase ... Be the Observer ... that ant #created within Mother's Nature Matrix it's much more happy than you are ...

In the end of a creative process, you'll remain as an artist that will become the observer of its own #artwork ... almost like our buddy ElfSquash ...

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