Hello everyone 👧. This is my entry for the first Sabahan community photo contest. Since no rules mentioned that must be one picture as an entry, so I share a few pictures with a story on them.

Hi semua 👧. Ini merupakan penyertaan sa tuk pertandingan gambar pertama tuk komuniti Sabahan. Tiada peraturan bilang cakap misti sebut mana satu gambar tuk pertandingan ni. So, sa share lain-lain gambar sekali sambil sambil sa cirita.


During the Kaamatan Celebration, I with my Mum and Aunty went to KOISAAN Cultural Village or we usually called as KDCA for visit. Most of the visitors there wear traditional clothes or black T-shirts with traditional symbols or patterns when visiting KDCA.

I saw a Mother in a complete set of traditional cloth holding her son looking in my Mum and Aunty's direction. During that time, my Mum and Aunty busy searching for traditional's T-shirts that they like.

Sa sama Mum dan Aunty sa pigi KOISAAN Cultural Village atau lebih dikenali KDCA masa perayaan Kaamatan. Banyak orang yang pi lawat KDCA pakai baju tradisi atau baju T-shirt hitam bercorak tradisi.

Sa terjumpa satu ibu yang berpakaian baju tradisi lengkap tingu di arah Mum dan Aunty sa sambil pegang anak lelaki. Mum dan Aunty sa sibuk cari T-shirt bercorak tradisi yang diorg suka masa tu.


The Mother went inside the shop and started to search for traditional's T-shirts for her son that not wearing any traditional cloth currently. The Mother keeps on asking her son which T-shirt he like but her son seems to ignore her and look outside. What is the young guy looking at? 🤔

Ibu masuk kadai cari baju T-shirt tradisi tuk anak lelaki dia. Masa tu anak lelaki dia tidak pakai T-shirt tradisi. Ibu anak lelaki tu balik balik tanya anak dia mana satu T-shirt dia suka tapi anak dia tidak peduli dia dan tingu di luar kedai. Korang rasa apa tu anak lelaki tingu tu ya?🤔



End of story. 😬

Ba abis cerita. 😬

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