Chianti Classico


Ciao! So last night I took a travel to the country of Italy, and did not have to leave the home;) It was a nice change of pace, all though I crave Burgundy every single day it seems. But no I am on the path to try every single wine I can. The drier the better, and this Chianti is as dry as they come.

The main grape of Italy is Sangiovese, and Chianti is known for some dry, and medium reds. It seems there is a lot of Value to be found here as well, compared to Montalcino. I was planning to lay this one down for a little longer, but hey what are you going to do. I began to trim my recent cannabis crop, and wanted a nice glass of wine to go with it. Which I will fill you in on a little secret, I love to open a bottle, and have a couple of glasses, and then come back to it the next day. If it is good wine, it will be so much better! It basically is like a long decant. Just make sure to put an enclosure on the bottle, otherwise your alcohol will evaporate, SALUTI!

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