It Wasn't Enough

Today, I was reminded about how I used to have trouble sleeping. I would put my head down on the pillow, and no matter how physically tired I was, my mind would start racing, and a thousand thoughts would flood in, dreams and fears. After some exploration and experimentation, I realized what the problem was - I didn't think enough during the day. I wasn't utilizing my brain enough, leaving far too much in the tank, and far too many things undone. One of the biggest reasons for not sleeping, was that at the end of the day, I knew I could have done more than I had and it weighed on me, troubled my thoughts and kept reminding, do more.

I feel like it has been a long time since I have written a poem, so I guess it is time. I have never written an entry into a poem before, as I tend to just let the poem form images in the minds of readers, rather than dictate meaning,. However, this one tonight is another experiment, and will be based on my previous sleep troubles.

Here goes...


It Wasn't Enough

A day gone, and a day to come,
Work started, but left undone,
It sees through that there's more to do,
No lie to tell, but a lie was spun.

You lie to me, and you lie to you.
You can't fool me, I see right through.
And now you lie and you are unable to,
Fall away into the dreaming blue.

All those thoughts come flooding tonight,
Telling you what you don't want to hear,
As you spin it toward a flattering light,
In a vain attempt to avoid the fear.

Head nestled back, legs stretched out,
Fire in mind and a flood of thought.
Calm you should be, except the seed of doubt,
A troubled life, no matter how you fought.

Just another minute, eyes will stray,
Thought will stop and relief will pay.
But forgotten memories come to play,
Can't push them aside to another day.

Morning will arrive and eyes will burn,
Body will protest and stomach churn.
To stay in bed is what you yearn,
Work more - when will you learn?


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