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"Irony of the mind" (Original Poem)


Irony of the mind

We hold the key to our destiny
in the palm of our hands.

We set out on an adventure
into the unknown, all on our own.
With no one to guide us,
with no one to hold.

We own the keys to our destiny,
which sets the direction to our needs.
Which binds the set of a soul,
into the vivid unknown.

What mesmerizing is the journey,
that attracts the yearning soul.

It takes up the rush, measures the boat,
it submerges the relief, surges the bowl.
How mesmerizing is the journey,
to the livid unknown?

Gasps of strangers roam our minds,
uncertain whisper passes by.
With no one to stick to,
with no one so bold.

We roar our fear wearing in our sleeves,
we tremble dubious to achieve.

Unlucky passer crouches by,
beyond our hope to repair.
Intending mind peeks through,
while an air of certainty floats by.

The destined forces, clamp along,
while urges to help build along.
Favoring others, neglecting self,
this is how we doom ourselves.

Many thoughts preoccupy,
mount of memories blurs the vision.

Amid the cycle of chaos,
rises the soul on the call of crisis.
Such is the destiny chosen,
far-fetched glimpses delighted.

Recognition of familiar faces,
rises unknowingly.
Such facade fades life away,
long-lasting desires cloud the day.

We hold the key to our destiny
in the palm of our hands.

The End!

{Cover- Source}