You And Your Choices


Would you rather choose sunsets over sunrise?
Would you rather sing than dance?
Would you rather fly up high than swim the deepest oceans?
Would you rather choose chocolate bars than strawberry flavoured shakes?

Would you rather choose to walk at your pace than force yourself to run?
Would you rather write poems about happiness than write songs about sadness?
Would you rather fight for the things that you want or to remain silent and do nothing?
Would you rather plant seedlings of hope than plant seeds of misery?

Would you rather kiss and hug at the expense of your personal desires?
Would you rather be hurt than to be ignorant about intimacy and love?
Would you rather give all you have than to have everything without being happy?
Would you rather let your life pass by or would you initiate your first steps?

Orange and White Funny Dating Animated Video Presentation.gif

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