
I want to write quiet poems, so that my soul is calm. I want to write a breeze, a comfortable twilight, a cool air. I want to….

I want to write poems that don't scream. so that my soul does not always want to rebel. I want to write sincere & happy love poems

I want to write poetry that is just a whisper. very low whisper. so that you are not taken aback by the fierce lines. ah, I want

I want to write a calm poem, about the smell of flowers, the colors of flowers, the colors of the trees, maybe also about the color of the sky.

I want to write a quiet poem of longing that is not too passionate, an earthy love, a dim and gloomy twilight, a gray sky

I want to write calm poems, calm twilight, calm skies, calm and happy birds, also humans

I want to write poetry that is calm, not noisy, not fierce, not screaming. calm as calm as the surface of the lake that is blown by the twilight breeze

I want to write a quiet poem about a drizzle falling quietly on a quiet afternoon from a calm sky

I want to write a poem e for myself so that I myself feel
calm and happy with my quiet poem

I want to write quiet rhymes. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm. calm down myself.

Poem and photo by: @penyaircyber (Nanang Suryadi)

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