Entry for BlockchainPoets First Weekly Prompt - The Breakup!

This week @hive-161465 gave us theme: breakout

I Will send my poem about breakout that be translated from Indonesian language.

Please enjoy it.


When it's drizzling, there's silence left, also tears

the drizzle slowly fell, in the dim twilight, leaving silence here, in the heart

the drizzle that falls, on the leaves, what does it look like? like tears, like tears

feel the silence, the drizzle that falls slowly, in the twilight dampened by the rain

every passing twilight, every second towards twilight, every minute passing twilight, poetry flutters in the sky of images

Take note of the drizzling words that fall this evening, before you forget: there is something to wipe from the corner of your eye

maybe you have to choose: the memories that flood, or the future that lies ahead. let the tears show the way home

yes, there are those who want to be alone, in their own silence, in their own secrets, maybe you are the one sobbing in that corner, in a quiet corner

and I, want to plant flowers, beautiful flowers, in poetry, so that they bloom, so that they bloom, watered by the drizzle of tears

Di Saat Gerimis Ada Sunyi Tersisa, Juga Airmata

gerimis perlahan luruh, di senja yang temaram, menyisakan sunyi di sini, di dalam hati

gerimis yang luruh, di daun-daun itu, serupa apa? serupa airmata, serupa airmata...

rasakan sunyi itu, tiktik gerimis yang jatuh perlahan, di senja sembab oleh hujan

setiap melewati senja, setiap detik menuju senja, setiap menit melewati senja, puisi berderai di langit imaji

catatlah kata gerimis yang turun senja ini, sebelum kau lupa: ada yang harus diseka dari sudut mata

mungkin kau harus memilih: kenangan yang tergenang, atau masa depan yang terbentang. biar airmata menunjukkan arah pulang

ya, ada yang ingin menyendiri, di dalam sunyinya sendiri, di dalam rahasianya sendiri, mungkin engkau yang tersedu di sudut itu, di sudut sunyi

dan aku, ingin menanam bunga, bunga yang indah, di dalam puisi, agar mekar, agar mekar disiram gerimis airmata

Photo and poem by: @penyaircyber (Nanang Suryadi)

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