In respect to Royalty


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Royalty spent in Dollar

He that does not know a story can not tell a tale
So I said

Talking to you lately
Lately, confirming the amazing grace bestowed on you

And I know it is not a joke
Confirming the structure and environs
I know royalty is spent in Dollars
Take it or leave it
It is a step ahead

Looking back, I just saw you two months ago
I soliloquise and reasoned but

Know the oozing of your achievement was felt from afar
Coming closer, felt nearer and now have flown

Your feminine energy that conquers any view felt
A triumphant entity, I quote
Extending the success
Expanding the family's reach

Quote and unquote
Your reality is far spent in Olympus
So the difference is
Royalty spent in Dollars
Take it or leave it
It is a step ahead

We all know when your plot is in exposition
we also saw your plot complication when the lineage stood up
The climax was felt alone by you
The anticlimax was also seen by all
You are at your resolution

Royalty is spent in Dollars
Take or leave it
It a step ahead

He that does not know a story can not tell a tale

Concerning Royalty 👑

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