You Live In Me Still

Almost one year ago, I lost my best friend, my confidant, my middle child, my only son. I have been unable to write very well since then, and poetry has eluded me almost entirely.

But it is time for me to breathe on my own again, for myself and not for him. I offer this poem as a beginning, an attempt to dull the pain of his horrible end, which haunts me.

I believe this is my first poem in this community. I apologize that it has taken me so long to participate here. This poem was not written for any specific prompt, although I believe it is appropriate for both last week's and this week's prompts.


not long ago
you ripened in my belly -
I breathed for you

not long ago
you learned to whack a baseball ten or more feet
we played for hours in our tiny backyard

not long ago
you became airborne on your skateboard
Mom! Come see!

not long ago
you became a young man
solemn prayer in your voice

more recently still
you took your last breath in my arms
as I said,
over and over,
I'm right here

I still breathe for you
when I can breathe

you live in me still



The image of my son was taken, not long ago, by one of his preschool teachers.

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