With You...

With everywhere being filled with darkness she is a light
A warrior and more...she does everything with all her might
A lover and a friend...always constant and instant both day and night
This is a good problem to have...someone so true...a welcomed plight
I fixed my gaze on her and she's the only one in my sight
I would break every wall to get to her, even if I have to put up the fight
I don't need validations to tell me whether it's wrong or right
Every obstacle on my way I would bulldoze with delight
Love is never easy, I know but it's never without its fright
Every feeling of wrongs and superiority it has to blight
It has its high and lows...as it brings you low...still takes you to greater height
Hold me by the hands, lover..let me fly with you like the kite
It's a rollercoaster of emotions I know but just trust me and hold me tight
I could take a look into a room full of people and still find you easily
I can take a peek into everyone and you'd still be my favourite person
Your love is real just like you and you thought me a great and valuable lesson
That love isn't just about what everyone says but what you say and who you are
Love is different with everyone - the same but expressed differently
We don't all have the same expression but we speak the same language of love
Love is you...love is me...love is us and together we create a better force

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Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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