Two in One.




Your name is special just like you, Grace
See how beautiful you smile...I don't mind touching your face
You are impressive and your shoes no one can wear or lace
You are amazing even with your fast hands that's ready to daze
You are an epitome of strength, you will come out easily when put in a maze
Your influence spreads lie fragrance in every place
If you were a fast car, I bet you would always win every race
Your story can only be explained by God's Grace
Your resilience and dedication can be so inspiring
I celebrate you today for being such a wonderful human being



Knowing such a wonderful soul like you in such a short time makes the whole difference. It feels like I've known you forever because you are not just a good friend but a wonderful mother to your children and a great wife to your husband. I am glad we met. I intend to keep that going for many years to come because knowing someone like you would always be a plus factor for all the goodness and positivity you exhude.






Ajibola Babs! The man who took 15 odd years to grow the beards on him. I've never seen anyone that dedicated...for that long. Your resilience and hope should also be studied. The beards/goatee isn't much but at least, the efforts paid off. I celebrate you.

On a serious note, happy birthday to you, hommie. We have gone way back, got through so many years and your friendship means a lot to me.

God has started a greater work in you already and He would see to it. He never fails. He always delivers. So, enjoy testimonies that would make you sound like you invented the stories, in Jesus name. Amen.

Keep being such an amazing friend. The world need more people like you. You are a great guy and your heart is the best. Miss you, buddy.


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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