Life of a Lady.

Everyone told her what to wear,
what length it should be
how free it should be on her

She is not to seduce him with how she sits,
her legs should be closed tightly
with her skirt tucked in between her laps

She is not to walk alone
and should never walk in the dark
For all these beckons him

She is not to smile and talk to him
but she is insulted if she ignores him
A delinquent is what they would call her

She must be friendly
but not too friendly
He might see this as affection and force himself on her

She is told how to act,
every second of her life
What not to do because she is always a prey

But no one ever tells the predator
No one tells him that his manhood
should be tamed

No one tells him that she isn't an object
to be played or owned
Not a conquest to win
No one told him that her friendliness
doesn't need him to want her

Sometimes being a woman is hard
They take the blame for most things that shouldn't have been
If only self control or self discipline is activated
She's always told what to and what not to do
Yet the actions of the man is usually excusable
When they should also be held accountable


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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