Dance With You...

Writing this poem takes me down the memory lane as I remember that popular song from Westlife... "I want to grow old with you...I want to die lying in your arms..." I don't know whether they remix the song to suit their style or its their original song but I love that song every single step of the way. It's all about emotions when it comes to love and I love seeing and feeling "love". It's a wonderful feeling I have to admit.


It's late at night and only your thoughts fills my heart
I searched all over and there is no one like you on earth
It's not as easy as going to pick your favourite grocery in the mart
Pushing my emotions to see where they fit on the cart
You are special and even my heart knows this
That's why my heart always invent the best of things to do with you
You are the one I want around me on a cold night
I want to be sentenced to be with you for life as my plight
I want to hold your hands while we try to keep warm
Keeping warm by dancing around the fireplace we have built
I want to build things with you and then grow with you
I want to feel the warmth of your palms and hold you in warm embrace
I just want to tell the world that my heart only beats for you
I want to dance with you even in the cold
I want to explore the depths of the world with you leaving nothing behind
I want to hold you by the arm and waist as I guide your feet
I want to create a path for us to follow while we dance with every step of the way
We are creating memories with every dance step with take
As the lights illuminates our souls, alone in our world
With our heartbeats proving to be in audience to witness our love

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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