Be Careful.


You can give your whole life to people and they would betray you
They would show unto others how they want to portray you
It's easier for them to forget the years you have sustained them
They are more interested in making you stay in their shadows
True love has no age barrier they say, so is betrayal
Their words can be as silk as the oil but those words can cut like a knife
Be careful of those whose words betray them while faking loyalty to you
Be careful of those who won't defend you
And would jump at every opportunity to drag you to filth
Be careful of those whom you give your life to but rather sees you as a threat
You always act with the best of intentions but they have so many hidden wickedness
You can't slit people open to see the true content of their intentions
It would have been so easier to make friends with dogs than with them
Ungrateful people would always be ungrateful no matter what you do
They would cry blood and sweat about how they appreciate you
But just talk a walk to that bend and you see them wipe their face and smile
Deceivers would always go the extra length to take your focus away from who they are
Even if they have to cajole you with words or even shed tears of blood
Their heart is iced real emotions flow other than deceit and lies
When they die...they will die alone away from human eyes and feasted upon by flies
Watch people's characters before you feed your soul with their contents
Be careful and give as much attention to yourself too because everyone does
You think they are having your back but they are having theirs
They won't do anything out of tune to themselves, do the same
Be careful and watch out for yourself because in the end, you are all you've got


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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