Musing On A Bed Of Roses

Delights of love made her heart full,
Until fate turned the tide.
A beauty amongst the maiden
A vision to the longing eyes,
Who desired her for themselves.

Her heart chose just one,
Distinguished, accomplished
Yet a kind soul.
For that one virtue raised him above all.
The envy of all they became,
Their passion unwavering.

Until the reaper of souls came calling,
Taking away her beloved and kindred spirit.
Damage irreparable,
Her heart bled like the crimson of her roses.
Becoming a shell of her blossom self.

Memories of times spent batter her heart,
Tearing her apart until nothing was left
The warmth of the sun,
Satisfying to her creamy skin,
Yet impenetrable to the depth of her core.

For once she'd given away her heart,
Like wisps of smoke,
It flew away with her beloved
And no longer hers to give again.
Peaceful musing on a bed of roses
Is but a temporary comfort
A reunion of sorts with her kind soul.

Images designed by me with Starry AI generator

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