The Cosmic Currency (Original Poetry)

Gold, Sterling, Dollar, Crypto … We call them commodities or currencies while forgetting that they are nothing more than pieces of code we use to interact with the system.

These geometrical codes have tricked the vast majority of the inhabitants of this tiny dimension into believing a false reality cleverly designed to hide the most valuable currency we possess. While the mind is trapped in this holographic illusion, spinning in circles inside a cube, the inversion continuously evolves.

We were sold a concept of duality where separation reigns while all the goodies of the multiverse reside in the not-so-empty space. A majestic trick that works amazingly well on those who choose to sleep in a world they label as “safe”.


The Cosmic Currency (Original Poetry)

Mesmerized by your shiny appearance
we thought you ruled the world
only to find out
that a solid mineral
was a worthless commodity
compared to what was about to unfold.

They came with ships from far-away planets
portals were used to smuggle the resources
from this magnificent turquoise sphere
our homeland, the place we call Earth.

Trapped in the illusion
based on false mathematical codes
we were served the Fibonacci spirals
to run our lives disconnected from Source.

Tricking the mind is easy
helping the ego to supercharge
while suppressing the heart’s consciousness
limiting it to what we perceive as space and time.

The power came from the inside
a fail-safe command installed by the wise
who once inhabited these vast lands
using ancient crystalline frequencies
bathing in sound and light.

How do you deal with the awakened ones
when they realize
the currency you’ve set up
is a one-way motorway
feeding the system
like a hungry beast
fearful of its own shadow
yet pride and cocky enough
to hide inside a matrix of disgust?

You are a powerful being,
playing a multidimensional game
without boundaries and frames.
Be aware everything happens at once
choose your next move
like a cosmic chess player
equipped with unique experiences,
infinite knowledge and wisdom from the stars.

Tune in to high-frequency vibes
raise your energy, don’t sell out
use love to heal and protect your physical avatar
let your life force guide the light inside the jar
to seamlessly activate your third eye.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Images: AI-generated image by Daniela S. via Midjourney

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