Infinity (Original Poetry)

A few days ago I rewatched the first part of the well-known movie “The Matrix” and I noticed my mind being unable to draw a line between fiction and what is called the physical world we supposedly live in.

If this movie is indeed a fiction story as it’s portrayed by Hollywood than I’m curious as to how the two movie directors Lana and Lilly Wachowski would describe the illusion aka holographic simulation our minds, bodies and souls are trapped in. By encoding the speed of light as a finite limit into our perceived universe, the architect of this 3D reality has put in some serious effort to remove a vast band of frequencies from the blind.

As I bump into more and more people who are awakening to this dazzling spectacle, hacking the software program to increase global consciousness, the following poem came to my awareness.


Infinity - Original Poetry by Krisz Rokk

Infinity (Original Poetry)

I pick up the beautiful frame you created
infinity loops on both sides elevated
an immaculate design capturing the senses
enchanted to balance my lenses.

Another set of spectacles
rendered useless
unless I trick the magnetic field
for a quick glimpse beyond the shield.

Layers upon layers of code
enabling the simulation to unfold
I need to tap into the right frequency
to dismantle the illusion
and reveal the human secrecy.

Reality is not what we’ve been told
the truth lies beyond the body, mind and soul
an electric grid keeps us under control
artificial watchdogs ensure we stay prisoners
afraid of our own shadows while they patrol.

The system is blatantly old
the upgrades fail to meet a state of flow
perpetrating a fake world
fueled by fear, aggression and war
to absorb dreams
and provide energy for a black hole.

Come on free spirits
you powerful creative beings
magnificent divine sparks
it’s a trap and we need to wake up.

Remember who you truly are
infinity is calling from afar
stop acquiescing to a jar
filled with meaningless fables
we both know are bizarre.

No more reincarnation cycles
sold merciless as evolution trials
let’s dismantle the program
and heal our broken hearts.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

Creative art: AI-generated images by Daniela S. via Midjourney

Quantum Stories and Poems by Krisz Rokk

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