The Traveller's Search

Source 6VvuHGsoU2QCK6yq1XKF2z9F8sayRpwConx4qLBBLg1sUGxiXfKa9cDvLsjxqAnssHnwq7u7ap9bd7yibAUWWrJrhbaxtmDvMmd1eCS98HjEiDBVDR5jaPdiBdLR6n.png

The chirp of birds heralds a new day
Yet it cannot silence the turmoil
In a traveller's mind, asking
Where is my home?
A sacred reverie
Of a place, unknown but fulfilling.

A traveller's longing for a home
Leads him on an unending journey
Day after day
He seeks the next abode
Hope alights like a flickering spark
In the bowels of the night.

He sighs at a stop,
And embraces strangers for a while
Maybe home is here, finally
But his hope dwindles
His journey must continue again
With memories, sore or sweet, of his last visit.

Onward he moves like a lost soul
It's a lonely road, dark and endless
Every stop is a fleeting delight
Or a sad disappointment
His expectations are continually dashed
A seemingly impossible goal.

The sun sets inviting the night
Bluebirds fly to their nests
Yet the traveller trudges on
His body is feeble
His spirit is weak and strained
Hope is almost gone.

A tiny flicker yet remains
Urging him on with determination
Soon his search will come to an end
To a place he can call home
Of solace and beauty
Of peace, for his heart finally rests.

Source 6VvuHGsoU2QCK6yq1XKF2z9F8sayRpwConx4qLBBLg1sUGxiXfKa9cDvLsjxqAnssHnwq7u7ap9bd7yibAUWWrJrhbaxtmDvMmd1eCS98HjEiDBVDR5jaPdiBdLR6n.png

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