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The Rush And Buzz

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Dead tired
I collapse on my bed
My senses overwhelmed
By the bustles of the day
I yearned for stillness

Amidst the clamour
Activities unending
Not a single moment of hush
I almost lost it
Craving some tranquillity

But I pulled through
As I dream of serenity
A haven so sweet
To escape the rush and buzz
So I find my sanctuary

In the midst of the storm
I find my retreat
A place of sweet silence
Where no raucous may parade
The refuge of my mind

My soul is delighted
By the refuge of calmness
My heart finds her beat again
As the world's noise recedes
And the tempest abates

The uproars may grow bolder
Like an unbound wild cat
But my serenity remains mine
Amidst the chaos
I'll find my refuge of peace.

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It's the weekend, a day to relax from the week's busy schedule but it did not turn out so for me. It became my most busy day of the week! I returned home exhausted to the bone. All day I was surrounded by noise, the bustle of the city and my heart longed for some stillness.

I found a mental escape from the noise and activities. I realised the calmness I sought was not to be found around me but rather inside of me. Once this state was achieved, my work proceeded smoothly and I didn't struggle as much. I rounded up on time and literally ran home to get some rest!

Remember, amid chaos, you can always find and cultivate your inner peace.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Image 1: Motoki Tonn
Image 2: Tuqa Nabi
