


Without a care in the world
The vibrations of my motorbike
Fills me with exhilaration
A single turn of the key
And my nighttime adventure begins

On the highway
My powerful engines revving
Cool night breeze rushing
Past and through me
I race at top speed

The darkness wraps me
In its inky warmth
The soft glow of headlights
Brightens my pathway

Without a care,
I press the pedal harder
Drowning out all noise
I'm alone in the world
A lone shooting star in the sky

Soaring into freedom
For life's an adventure
That I must chase
In exhilaration
And without a care.




In response to the prompt, "carefree", I try to imagine what having no worries or troubles means and whether it's possible. With the prevailing global inflation negatively impacting the world economy, not many people have the luxury of carefree living or attitude.

Every action, word and attitude is done purposefully. But there are few moments when we can be carefree if we so choose. That's the power of CHOICE.

The image of a thrilling, high-speed ride came to mind. I daydream of riding a power bike, and racing on the highway at night when there is no traffic or the road is empty. On high speed with the cool night air rushing through me, whipping my hair around, the vibrations of the engine filling me with exhilaration is a perfect picture of carefree and ultimately, freedom.

What do you see when you think "carefree"?

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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