Deeper than the ocean

The styles in my eyes
Wheel great
free and clear

I said it
Is not to cool
But it steal my breath

I turned around
To the River side
and I walked beside

The breach
Show me afar
But I look besides

The car horn
Like I need to breath
The air so cool

Which I move away
What else if not the Path
I was looking for

It was so dark
And I knew I have
Found an ocean



Running through my eyes
The day was more than okay

The say it is deeper
But I called it the ocean

Stronger than no wind
And dreaming than the sea

When they say is deeper
I say it's deep
or the deepest

Deeper than the ocean
is the ocean

What more can this phrase
If not for you

What more can this means
If not of you

Time is all we need
To reach our needs

And if you are to travel
You need the sea

So that
I can be your ocean

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