Blockchain Poets Weekly prompt - Jealousy


In the realms of Glory where everyone stood and watched.
Praises chanting from all corners of the town.
Which she rightfully deserves.

But in a little corner also stood her rival.
Who isn't ready to back off or accept the situation?
Though she came forth in all smiles, “congratulations”.

Deep down her jealous soul.
She has planned on how to bring her down.
Even if it will cost her life.

She believed in her plans, and was already happy on breaking another person apart.
Her hatred just grew without control.
Reasons why she remained skinny.
It was eating her effortless.

All her efforts to destroy her rivalry ends up destroying her.
She still refused to stop.
Her other half could wipe and plead for her to stop.
But no, she kept on going.

She knew this jealousy won't make her any better.
She was ready to pay for it at all cost.
A lost soul is a lost soul.

Though, the soul cries for help.
Please stop this act.
Will it be saved?

Thank you very much for stopping by my entry to Blockchain poets weekly prompt jealousy

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