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BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Mama

Welcome to the BCP Weekly Prompt!

Last week's prompt drew some fascinating responses. Beginnings are always difficult as we all know, but we hope to find solutions to some of our drawbacks and breathe new life into our weekly prompts and the entire community. We also appreciate everyone who took the time to participate in the prompts either by posting or leaving a comment. Thank you for your continuous support🙏

Last week's Dark Forest prompt was all about horror which we all have witnessed one way or the other (be it in a movie or real-life event).

Now, let's kickoff and get this week going with another interesting topic, and this time, we expect to get many entries as this topic involves every one of us.

Prompt: MAMA

Is there anyone who doesn't have a mama or mother as the case maybe? Here comes your great opportunity to show some love to that woman who wouldn't sleep for your sake.

This week's prompt is simple and straightforward. Write a poem and let the world see exactly how you feel about your mama

Put it all out, no limitation. Pen down the words just as they come and make your mama proud.💪

Let your keyboard or quill, pen or pencil.. crayon.. or whatever you like to express yourself with, do the talking. Put down some killer lines of poetry, and share your awesome works with the community and the world. 😌

Original Image Link

All other images are created by @inthenow, and are considered community property. Use the banner below on your posts and spread the word!

It will also be nice to drop the link to your entry as a comment in this post, and also on our discord promotion channel.

You can click the banner to join the Discord Server, if you are so inclined.

Post by: @martinlazizi