BlockchainPoets Weekly Prompt - Depression

Welcome to the BCP Weekly Prompt!

Thanks to @martinlazizi for last week's prompt Anger. If you didn't get a chance to write a piece for this prompt, feel free to have a go. Now onto this week's business.

The prompt is: Depression 😔

I figured we could piggy back off last week's prompt of Anger, and roll with depression.

Depression can be dangerous if you don't keep it in check. It is the follow up to Anger, in the emotion train. Let's say you get angry about a certain thing, and sometimes when you are powerless to change that thing.. depression can set in.

All you need do is look at the world today, and you would be hard pressed to not get at least a little bit depressed.

Or are you all sunshine and unicorn farts? 😂 Let us know what's up people!

Let your keyboard or quill, pen or pencil.. crayon.. or whatever you like to express yourself with, do the talking. Put down some killer lines of poetry, and share your awesome works with the community and the world.

That's about all for this week. Looking forward to catching up this week, and reading some cool writing. 😀

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Post by: @inthenow

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