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The World That Disappointed Me (Original Poem)

Poetry by Heartofdarkness (Selamet Raharjo)

Medan, 11 October 2021

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I don't know why I was born
I don't know what my life's purpose is
I always question it every time
But I never found the answer

I feel life is unfair
I feel life is a curse
I envy those who are happy with their wealth
I'm envious to see that they can buy nutritious food so easily

I blame God for my presence in the world
I blame my parents for the birth I never wanted

Now I know what my purpose in this world is
Now I know that I have to fight it all

yes, poverty, injustice, and even this destiny. I have to face everything bravely. I have to fight the world that constantly oppresses me. That's the purpose of my life right now.