"The Residue" - A Poem


When you walked away
I was struck instantly
By familiarity
Deja vu
Deja vu
This time me
This time you
Not as we were
Not much left to be
And maybe
It’s just easy
To lose
The ones you hold
So loosely
Slipping away
By day
Until all that remains
In your hands
Is the residue
Of the memory

I think that pineapple is delicious on pizza. There are people who would agree with me on that, others who would argue vehemently that pineapple makes a horrible pizza topping and even the concept disgusts them. Someone very close to me loves pineapple and would probably enjoy it on pizza just as much as I do if he hadn't acquired a serious allergy to it that would make him regret it for days.

You may be wondering what any of this has to do with the poem. Some people are like cheese on pizza. Just about everybody likes them. Some are like pineapple on pizza. They have equally passionate fans and haters. Often as you grow and change, you'll notice a few toppings that you used to really enjoy are no longer right for you. Similarly, you may stop being right for someone else's pizza (and that can be tough to accept). Either way, if your heart says you should hang on to that old recipe, you can try to do some inner work and find new ways to connect. If not, it may be time to let go, accept change gracefully and find something new.

Peace ☮️.


Image sourced from pixabay.com

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