The Flicker Flame


Turn this way
Turn that way
Look you up and down
But do I see you
Or just meat?

What is attractive
What is appealing
What is it that keeps me
Holds me
Captivates me
Just wanting to see what happens?

The feeling is lacking
Only flickers like flame
Failing to catch
But perhaps hiding an ember
Of abiding
Of staying
For at least the show
Begging to know
How it all goes.

Ignite the feeling
Warm this heart
Or let it continue
Bumping walls
Down the long halls
Blind and empty
Not knowing what it is
That keeps it moving along.


This week's Blockchain Poets prompt is "Love or Lust". I hope this fits that prompt. It's an interesting question, whether we are lusting or loving. It's even more difficult when feelings are mixed. Or dull. Love is an action, it doesn't always have to have feelings attached. But what is lust? Is it pure feeling? Is attraction a feeling? Or is it deeper? Can we lust without feeling? Can we truly love without feelings welling up? This is what wakes me up at night.


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