My Own Spectre

I watch and wait
Standing over my own forlorn soul
Seconds ticking by
Holding breath
Snapping the scene
Not knowing what will develop
Hoping someone will notice
My expression
My grief
My pain
I stand and attend my weary heart
But no relief comes
See me dammit
Notice me
Praise me and make me smile
Before I die of longing
Haunted by yesterday
Tomorrow always running
Just a fraction ahead
Of this moment.


This week's poem prompt from Blockchain Poets is "Patience", something that we can all use a little more of.

If you follow me regularly you might have seen my film photos. This was taken on my Argus Argoflex with the not so sharp focus. It's a double exposure, taken on Arista Edu 400 and developed in Caffenol as always.

Photography, especially film, takes a ton of patience. It's not like my digital SLR that I can just look at the back and see results. I have to wait until I finish a roll and develop it to know what I got. I kinda like this gem.

It also takes patience to post and put one's self out there. It can be agonizing to wait for notice. I hope this poem conveys that idea.






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