But A Mere Pen! [Original Poem]


But A Mere Pen!

Being the silent witness, I see-
I, the slender sentinel soul,
art oracle and destined thoughts
from the lance of inspiration!
A fragile, yet fierce weapon
to fight the other side of light.

I rejoice like a hummingbird bloom,
I danced upon the parchment,
and my inky feathers are unfurling!
The alchemy of expression,
Only the poet can decipher;
the unknown whispers of mine.

I streak the vast cosmos of paper
like a voyager of the midnight meteor.
Leaving behind a trail of stardust,
luminous and fleeting,
Painting the velvet tapestry
of a blissful summer night!

I became a compass with the poet;
Guiding through the labyrinth
of their incognito thoughts.
Navigating the boundless sea,
Of dreams, desires, black thoughts
I explore through the depths
of the subtlety of human existence.

Poets pour their heart and soul
into my inky well of conscience!
The ink, a river of their essence,
flowing from their core thoughts.
The cathartic torrent of emotions
swims the imagination sea.

The poet paints their dreams;
I; a guardian of words, by which
the poet weaves their stories
into the tapestry of time!
Leaving an indelible mark
on the collective memory of mankind.

I am a celestial bridge
between the mundane and
the mystical journey of stories!
I am but a mere pen, and they,
the poet; a true creator of self!


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