My Poem About "Blockchain"


Blockchain, a ledger so grand,
A new way to store and command,
A chain of blocks, secure and sound,
A new future for all around.

A network of trust, strong and true,
A decentralized system, brand new,
Transactions, fast and free of charge,
A new era, for the financial large.

A digital signature, unique and true,
A way to ensure, what's said is true,
A smart contract, to seal the deal,
A new way of doing business, for real.

Blockchain, a marvel of our time,
A technological climb,
A new way to store and protect,
A future, that we can't neglect.

With blockchain, we'll break the mold,
A new future, as we're told,
A world of trust and security,
Blockchain, our new reality.

Thank You ..

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