Life: A Rare Gift

Hello everyone, this is my entry peom for this week's prompt "LIFE". To take part in the contest, take a look at the announcement post HERE



Life is a precious gift
Freely given by the creator of the universe
For both plants and animals to enjoy

It comes in most forms
For plants, good foliage
For animals, good health

You see the beauty of plants
When there is life in them
The leaves turn green.

The stems become huge and succulent
The flowers blossoms
The leaves become lush green

For animals, their skin becomes robust
Their weight and height increases
The skin glows and flourish

That is the beauty of life
You don't need a soothsayer
To reason with you that life

Once you have life
Live it to the fullest
For you'll only have it but once

For plants, once life is gone
It shows on them immediately
The leaves wither, the crop dies

For animals, the same
The skin shrinks
Mobility and attraction vanishes

It returns back to the owner
Do well to preserve the life you live
For once it is gone, it is gone forever.

Do not fret to destroy what you can't create
For once the light goes off
Life goes off too.

Be wise!!!

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