PIC1000: Evidence


What i see: I see an old lady with curly grey hair looking through the lens of a Nikon camera in what seems to be a park.

Agnes focused on the camera so intently. Her sight was getting weak but she vowed never to stop. She needed proof that she wasn't delusional and that she had seen her dead husband for the umpteenth time.

Nobody seemed to believe her, everyone called her crazy but she knew what she saw. She saw her husband, Joseph who she thought was dead with another woman and some kids.

She flashed back to how she had received a call from the hospital that her husband had died in a fire accident and his body burnt to ashes. She remembered how she almost took her life the moment she heard the news. Now like a film trick he has resurfaced again with a new family.

At first she did not want to believe it when a strange number called her to tell her that it was all a scheme to make her believe That her husband was dead, so he could go on and marry her concubine who had kids already for him. And relocate to another state. His reason was that Agnes could not get pregnant ever since they got married.

To be sure of what she heard Agnes travelled to the state the strange caller had told her about and after careful investigation
She saw her husband, who she had mourned for years, alive and well but in the arms of another woman.

A tear dripped down her face as she took the shots again and again. Now they will know that she wasn't crazy. She had evidence.

The picture was her evidence

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