Price hike of fruit drink

Good day everyone,
I write today about the rise in price of goods everywhere in the world.

Sometimes in life you feel like having something,plan on getting it buy for some reasons you just can't get it. Same almost happened to me when I wanted a fruit drink for myself and had a price tag on it by myself thinking the inflation will never have affected the price of the fruit drink.

Even though I went through some stress to get it I was able to satisfy myself.

Getting a store to buy fruit drink,I got to know there is hike in price of fruit drinks too. In fact ordinary water is being hiked everywhere. The high level of inflation is affecting me personally not talking about the whole world. The EXOTIC fruit drink that was being sold #500 before is now sell #800 and yet the content though without proof yet shows its been reduced,I mean its not as sweet a before.

I rejected it when it was handed to me at #800 because I was shocked,my budget was #500 and maximum of #600 because of inflation but #800 I can't afford it.

Thinking I was being duped I went into another store to price same quality and quantity and I was more shocked when she tagged it #1,000. I quickly asked her why and how is it #1,000 but to my surprise she said the price just increased, so i ran back to the previous store got it #800.


Above is a picture of EXOTIC fruit drink
Image captured with my Samsung galaxy A50 smart phone

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