Time for the Needy; 5 Minute Freewrite


“I forget what you said you wanted?”

“W…water,” the ragged man smacked his lips, his mouth dry and arid.

“Ah yes, water. Do you have a bottle?”

“Please, sir.” He held his cupped hands towards the man’s steel water bottle.

“I can’t pour it into your hands, what a waste of water.”

“I’m so thirsty, sir.” His white hair was draped down his face, its wisps covering his sunken eyes and hollow cheeks.

“Just give me minute, will you?”

“Alright, sir.” The man’s body stayed locked, steadfast in his worship of the water being held prisoner so close.

“Right, if you… Open your mouth.”


“Like this – ahhh.”



The man lapped up the water as it flowed freely from the bottle, his cracked tongue lashing around his lips to savour all of the life-giving liquid. “Thank you, sir. Thank you.”

Today's Prompt: Dry Mouth

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If you'd like to participate too, the contest can be found here: @mariannewest/day-1320-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-dry-mouth

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