Jem Shoots A Bird; 5 Minute Freewrite


“It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” The saying rattled around my head as I aimed my rifle at the small bird sounding off in the nearby trees. Scout had always told me that Dad had a thing about mockingbirds, but this one just won’t shut up.

I aim my rifle, breathe, and shoot. A cloud of feathers erupted from the tree, and I quietly cheered to not draw unwanted attention to my defiant act.

“Jem, what was that noise?”

“Nothin’ Scout.” I tossed the gun under the rocking chair on the porch and pretended to look out at the old Radley house, whistling to avoid arousing suspicion.

“I heard you shoot that gun, what did you hit?” Scout’s head emerged from the screen door into the kitchen.

“I didn’t shoot nothin’. Just looking out over at the Radley house. Maybe we should go see Boo one of these days?” I tried to steer the conversation; Scout had developed quite the soft spot for that man, and I knew she’d have to respond.

“I already seen him last Saturday. I can see the gun under the rocking chair. Dad!”

“Quiet down, Scout!” I grabbed the gun from under the chair, “If you don’t keep your mouth shut that bird ain’t gonna be the only thing I shoot today.”

Today's Prompt: Mockingbird

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If you'd like to participate too, the contest can be found here: @mariannewest/day-1321-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-mocking-bird

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