Interrupted Lesson


“I’m not the best baker,” replied Lydia, her hands elbow-deep in wet dough.

     “You’re a natural, don’t you worry.” The teacher made their rounds throughout the class, commenting, and assisting each of the different students. “Now, class, make a well and add in your yeast and the rest of your warm water.”

     Lydia did as requested, using her fingers to make a small pit in the dough, before adding in the required ingredients.

     As the yeast fizzed into action, so too did the once calm view of the city from the class’s window.

     A great crackling lightning bolt soared past the glass, drawing gasps and alarmed chatter throughout the would-be bakers. Two large feet stomped into vision, each causing the room to shake.

     “D-d-d-dragon!” A small dwarf was the first to notice the true nature of the chaos outside, his little legs sprinting to the door.

     A crush began as the dwarf struggled to pull open the old rusty door handle.

     “Give me some space! I can’t get the bloody door open!” the dwarf shouted, trying to get control of the panicked crowd.

     Lydia watched on, stood between the windows and her terrified classmates. She sighed, untied her apron, placing it on the countertop, before pushing open the window to the street.

     “What on Eden are you doing?” asked the teacher.

     “Registered adventurer, with the Dark Sun of Tera.” Lydia reached into her pocket and flashed her trinket bearing the guild’s emblem. “City-scale disasters are all hands on deck, I’m afraid. Stay safe.” With a salute, Lydia dropped out of the window. She conjured a broom in her fingertips with a high-pitched whistle, and mid-sprint, she mounted it and took off into the skies, joining the tens of airborne adventurers already in combat with the dragon.

Today's prompt: yeast

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