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Getting Over Social Anxiety


“How many times do I have to tell you!” her mum shouted at her over her plate of toast.

     “I know, Mum.” Sarah waggled her spoon around her bowl of cereal, milling around the cheerios and milk.

     “You need to get more used to social interactions, that’s all,” remarked her father.

     “No, what she needs is to stop reading all those damn books and playing games all the damn day.” Her mum pointed a wedge of toast at Sarah, before ripping off a corner with her teeth.

     “I think we should all remember that not all of us are naturally outgoing. I know I struggled with making friends and doing lots of social activities when I was younger.” Dad tried to remain the level-headed individual, as ever.

     “Don’t worry, Dad,” sniffed Sarah, “I’ll just go die in my room I guess.” Pushing the unfinished bowl of cereal towards the centre of the table, Sarah stood up and began leaving the table.

     “So bloody melodramatic! You better not be going to play on that damn Nintendo!” shouted her mum through a mouthful of bread.

     “It’s an Xbox, dear,” corrected her dad.

Today's prompt: interactions

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