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Freewriting: 5 Minute Prompt; Sunflowers

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The wind careened around the meadow, its force like tendrils permeating the space. The sunflowers ebbed and flowed at its beck and call, their heads depositing their pollen and seeds as passengers on the airways. The sun basked the flowers in glorious life-giving energy, soaking into every pore of the living tissue of the vast ecosystem. Rabbits manoeuvred through the forest of flowers; their small bodies protected by the leafy giants surrounding them. A fox and its kits nervously dashed out from their foxhole into the growth, the mother hoping to impart hunting knowledge to the next generation. The world breathed, its creation sprawling out from its depths; uncontrollable.

Contest provided here: @mariannewest/single-prompt-option-the-weekend-freewrite-512021