Freewriting: 5 Minute Prompt; Rucksack

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Ifan strapped the rucksack to his back, having filled it with some useful supplies from around town. He headed to the Cartographer’s Archives and collected a selection of maps for his coming expedition. Ifan stood outside the guild and waited patiently for his sister, who emerged a short while after. Mari was carrying her own small backpack and had changed into a pair of leather slacks and a loose-fitting jacket. Ifan greeted Mari with a smile and waved her over, “You ready?”

Mari stepped quickly to Ifan’s side, “Yep! Got everything I suggested?”

“Yeh, it’s all in here.” Ifan gestured to the rucksack adhered to his back, as it jostled lightly with a faint jingling; its contents gently sloshing about.

Contest provided here: @mariannewest/day-1293-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-rucksack

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