Final Exams; 5 Minute Freewrite


Tick. Tick. Tick.

The clock blared behind Anna as her pen scribbled furiously. Blowing up at her fringe in an effort to keep her hair out of her eyes had begun drawing attention to her throughout the room.

“There are 30 minutes remaining.”

Just two more, you can do it. Anna stared blankly at the page as she read through the penultimate question. Is that maths? In an English paper? She blinked harshly and furrowed her brows intensely. She felt her hand rising at her side before she forced it back down.

“15 more minutes.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. Anna turned the page and began scanning the final question. Her breath became shallow. Physics? More maths?

The words tumbled across the page as her eyes crossed each other. Her pulse pounded in her ears and she scrawled some poor attempt at an answer.

“Alright everybody. Pens down. You can relax.”

Her chest ached as tears began streaming down her face. What the fuck was that?
As people began shuffling around her to collect the exam papers, she could feel her brain swimming in a thick fog.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Anna’s already pale skin turned a lighter shade, and the chair gave way beneath her as she rocked sideways. Her head kissed the ground with the indifference of a jilted lover. Her eyes flickered, and the lights went out.

Today's Prompt: Fringe

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If you'd like to participate too, the contest can be found here: @mariannewest/day-1311-5-minute-freewrite-monday-prompt-fringe

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