Exam Results, Murder, and Lunar Living | Freewrite Anthology Episode 3

Another week, some more freewrites. In this episode: unexpected exam results; an unusual murder; buying new spaceship parts; and more!

I tried this week to weave some of the freewrites into some stories I'm either actively working on or story ideas I've had rattling around in my brain for a while. Cath the space botanist is straight from my current work-in-progress sci-fi work, and Archie the prisoner is an idea I'd had for a few weeks now that I thought would be nice to expand upon. I'm quite happy with the way his two freewrites worked out, fleshing out the beginnings of his character arc with room for more growth.

I didn't find any of the prompts particularly hard this week, but 'spring chicken' required a bit of extra thought to work into the story.

Here's the original posts in order of appearance:

      Sunday, 16th January 2022: @zedcell/results-day

      Monday, 17th January 2022: @zedcell/caught-at-the-crime-scene

      Tuesday, 18th January 2022: @zedcell/spaceship-maintenance

      Wednesday, 19th January 2022: @zedcell/prison-break

      Thursday, 20th January 2022: @zedcell/the-first-mission

      Friday, 21st January 2022: @zedcell/wellness-in-space


Be sure to check out my Web Novel: The Shadow Over Fandelran, updated weekly, Saturdays at 14:15 GMT.

My Youtube Channel: ZedCell

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