A Surprise at the Abandoned Fort


The snow crunched underfoot as Garrick made his way toward the base of Mount Triumph. Sara and Nip had left earlier in the day on their quest, leaving him to catch up. Garrick could have joined them when they left but was indisposed on account of his first ever hangover. The two pints of vodka from the night before had a nasty side, he’d unfortunately found out.

     He rubbed his temples as the crunching wracked at his ears, compounding the headaches and general distaste for being awake Garrick was currently facing. The footpath up had all but been consumed by last nights blizzard, and despite the blinding midday sun, the snow hadn’t budged.

     Twenty minutes later, and he found himself at their destination. An abandoned fort used in the guild war two centuries ago. Now home to an angry basilisk that had crawled out of a disused mine shaft, it was their job to clear it out. Walking through the dilapidated gate, Garrick could see the fresh footprints of his comrades leading into the fort proper. He followed them, finally stepping inside the frosty interior of the old fort.

     A shriek pierced the winter air.

     Garrick ran towards its source, deeper in the fort. The sound of explosions and the twang of bow strings were a comfort to Garrick; at last reunited with his friends. What wasn’t a comfort was the great basilisk rearing up in the fort’s courtyard. Its skin was a dazzling blue, the scales shimmering in the sunlight. It released yet another shriek as Garrick approached, axe in hand.

     “Garrick, they’re coming!” Sara shouted.

     “They?” Garrick readied his weapon, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

     “Yes, they! The reports were wrong: look up there, on the parapets!” Nip readied her rocket fist, its mechanisms glowing with orange arcane energy.

     Garrick looked to the sky, and immediately felt a rush of adrenaline course through his body. Three more great basilisks crawled down from the fort’s ramparts, slithering their way into the courtyard.

     “Looks like I joined at the perfect time!” Garrick said, baring his teeth with a maniacal grin.

Today's prompt: they are coming

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