A Ruinous Future


Grass slowly crawled out of its seed, poking its head out of the shattered and crumbling dirt. The sun cast its light over the ruins of civilisation, providing well-needed light to the slowly returning plant life.

     Rumbling over the surface, the Red Guard’s scout buggy pushed on ahead, navigating the cragged ground and crumbled buildings. Sat in the driving seat, Ramses concentrated on ensuring the buggy didn’t roll over as it navigated the treacherous landscape. Safe in the cockpit, the rolling sands and dust hammered into the windscreen, obscuring the way, and effectively blinding him.

     His radar unit was the only thing stopping a disastrous crash. It illuminated the major obstacles within a ten-metre radius, allowing Ramses to navigate the ruins.

     The morning sun crept higher and higher into the sky, and the growing heat clawed at Ramses’ skin. He tugged at his scarf, pulling it loose and tossing it to the side of the cockpit. With one hand on the steering wheel, he negotiated the glove compartment and collected his sunglasses, shielding his eyes from the harsh sunlight.

     Eventually, he arrived at his destination. The Well.

     Parking his buggy, he turned off the engine, collected his things, and fixed his gas mask to his face, ensuring it created an airtight seal. With a click, he opened the door to the outside world. He stepped outside, closed his buggy back up, and locked it with his keys. Unclipping a sensor from his rucksack, he held it ahead of him, and its beeps sounded off as he approached the Well.

Today's prompt: turn off

This week's worldbuilding prompt: time

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