A Local Legend


Anton placed his limited-edition copy of the lesser-known Spider-Senior series of comic books onto his bookcase. He mused over the other special books in his collection. Batman, where Batman was bitten by a bat and gained superpowers, Ironman, where Tony Stark dies on his first mission and a random Iraqi citizen dons the suit, and Daredevil, where instead of Matt Murdock, a dog being walked near the initial accident is blinded by the chemical spill and gains superpowers, among others.

     He’d taken it upon himself to become an archivist for odd and minimal print comics. This had attracted the attention of the local newspaper, who printed about his ‘strange hobby’ last year. The words stung a bit at the time, but his fame on a local level rocketed. Anton received free beers from his local pub, discounts at his HMV store, and a place in the town museum. The museum piece ended up being an eerily accurate wax work of him standing with his comics. In fact, his current Facebook profile picture was him smoking a joint with his wax double, which got 400 likes and another mention in the local paper.

Today's prompt: comic books

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If you'd like to participate too, the contest can be found here: @mariannewest/day-1552-5-minute-freewrite-thursday-prompt-comic-books

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