A Guiding Prophecy


‘Where the sun meets the golden sands, and the moon twists its image to match the crystalline lakes of pure magic, you shall find her: the symbol of power.’

     That was what Finnegan was told by the old soothsayer in his hometown. A fairly ambiguous location, but he had some ideas. Kotcharl, the jewel of the eastern kingdoms, existed in the centre of the Kotchari Desert. Finnegan assumed it would be best to start here, considering the witch’s prophecy mentioned sand. The crystalline lakes of magic were a bit harder for him to place. His first thought was the eastern Well, Velincloak, but that was hundreds of miles north of the Kotchari desert.

     He had packed his things, and headed west, through the kingdom of Gwynffordd and the neighbouring republic of Ishmali. It had been nearly two months since he left, in the hopes of discovering this ‘her’.

     In the distance, under the setting sun, a mass of brick and timber appeared on the horizon. Its shape melded into the heat waves and shimmered in the dusk. His final stop before reaching the desert, the checkpoint town of Penyranial. The Desert’s Peak.

Today's prompt: powerful symbol

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