Funeral | 5 minutes free write

img_0.8425425700561897.jpgRed Roses by @mariale07
I hate to think about or attend funerals after I lost a cousin who was so close and dear to me. It was a period of tears, wailing and sadness.
Uncle Nissi stayed far away from us because of his job but he wouldn't fail to return with gifts every Christmas and new year thanksgiving for each and everyone of us. Losing him was a big blow to the family, his wife kept crying uncontrollably until the very day he was laid to mother earth. The day remains fresh in my mind as I watched gloomy close family members, I had swollen eyes from weeping although the event, he was young, he had just gotten married, he didn't even have a child, he had so much unleashed potentials and all these ended in an auto accident.
Pain and tears, that's all there is to remember for a funeral

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