A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words / Contest [Eng - Esp]

What I see and feel I will narrate as follows:

And here I am on the threshold of heaven, my time has come to change the landscape, it is an immense, beautiful window, full of light and all the angels and my ancestors receive me, so many faces and happiness full, but, for a moment I became curious and wanted to turn around to see the world, the land where I was born, I asked Saint Peter for permission just to look and he said yes and, although the land was beautiful and my experiences were reflected As photographs I understood that it was just that, a memory, now I will be happy sitting on the right side of my father.


I think this initiative is beautiful, I invite you to participate @care1869, you can read the rules here👈


The main image is courtesy of the community present.
Separator made in PowerPoint.
Free online translator: DeepL
Template designed and customized in Canva


Lo que veo y siento lo narraré de la siguiente manera:

Y aquí estoy en el umbral del cielo, ya llegó mi hora para cambiar de paisaje, es una ventana inmensa, hermosísima, llena de luz y todos los ángeles y mis ancestros me reciben, tantos rostros y felicidad plena, pero, por un momento me dio curiosidad y quise voltear a ver el mundo, la tierra donde nací, le pedí un permiso a San Pedro solo para mirar y me dijo que sí y, aunque la tierra era bella y estaban mis vivencias reflejadas como fotografías entendí que era solo eso, un recuerdo, ahora seré feliz sentada al lado derecho de mi padre.

Me parece bonita esta iniciativa, te invito a participar @care1869 , las bases las lees con detalle aquí👈


La imagen principal es cortesía de la comunidad presente.
Separador realizado en PowerPoint.
Traductor gratuito on line: DeepL
Plantilla diseñada y personalizada en Canva

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